Phone: (02) 9660 2882

Discover the Chiropractic Method to Get Better From Symptoms and to Maximise Body Performance

From athletes & Olympic teams, to corporations & military corps and especially everyday families, chiropractors have a wide and deep use as a key health service in the community.

Try the chiropractor near by you conveniently located in the Broadway Sydney Shopping Centre with 2 hours free parking.

why work with us?

Over 20 Successful Chiro Years helping locals get better

Get Better Diagnosis

Every chiropractor in Sydney has training in assessment, diagnosis and treatment of your joints, discs, bones, nerves, ligaments, tendons and muscles.

Because of the complexity of many physical conditions, you can get a better diagnosis by considering these many factors, not just the muscles for example. 

With a better diagnosis you can get better treatment to get a better result.

Get Better Treatment Plans

Getting a better diagnosis is important but then giving the best treatment for that spine or other conditions is vital.

We use natural methods to heal spinal and other conditions. We look to fix the problem at the cause rather than just treat the symptoms.

We integrate therapy to the muscles, tendons, nerves and joints so that you get a better result.

Get Better Quality Care

We are passionate about helping you get better health so we provide the best quality of care that we can.

We work with people who are committed to improving their health so we are committed to helping you achieve that.

Feel comfortable that you can get a thorough treatment when you come to our chiropractic clinic in the Inner West suburbs of Sydney.

about us

Use Our Chiropractor's Experience to Create Yours

Chiropractic has been in practice since 1895 (starting in America) and has evolved to 5 years of university courses before registration with AHPRA. Subjects taught in the courses include radiology, neurology, orthopedics, diagnosis and skills / technique.

Broadway Chiropractic arises after 20 years of experience in private practice and continuing education of seminars, workshops, certifications and online learning. We continue to deliver our best quality chiro service in Sydney CBD fringe.

work from home or office ergonomics

Learn how to make your work or study less stressful to your body and improve your posture

It's hard to escape using desks and chairs these days, they can be more than 75% of a person's work day. Research by Kallings et al shows that 75% is too much amongst other things.

Bad posture and bad ergonomics are related in that being poor in one is likely to cause the other to be poor too. We have a set of guidelines and handy tips to make your ergonomics better and chiropractic is the first choice for better posture correction.

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Health Topics

Work from home ergonomics for study and office desk set up

Your body reflects the way you have used it and so when we spend a lot of our day at computers we can be negatively shaped by poor ergonomics. What are the key aspects of this activity? We know that people generally sit for too long. The recommendation is 20 minutes and then you should get

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Shop M108 Level 1, Broadway Sydney Centre, 1 Bay St, NSW, Glebe, 2037, Australia


(02) 9660 2882

©2024, Broadway Chiropractic